Monday, June 16, 2008

Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings!

Ubuntu 8.04
- the Hardy Heron - released in April 2008.

Ubuntu is an entirely open source operating system built around the
Linux kernel. The Ubuntu community is built around the ideals enshrined in the Ubuntu Philosophy: that software should be
available free of charge, that software tools should be usable
by people in their local language and despite any disabilities,
and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter
their software in whatever way they see fit. For those reasons:


Ubuntu will always be free of charge, and there is
no extra fee for the "enterprise
edition", we make our very best work
available to everyone on the same Free terms.


Ubuntu includes the very best in translations and
accessibility infrastructure that the free software
community has to offer, to make Ubuntu usable for as
many people as possible.


Ubuntu is released regularly and predictably; a
new release is made every six months. You can use
the current stable release or the current
development release. Each release is supported for
at least 18 months.


Ubuntu is entirely committed to the principles of
open source software development; we encourage
people to use open source software, improve it and
pass it on.

Find out more at the Ubuntu website.




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